Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Try to Clean Green

Most of us know it is important to clean to keep a healthy lifestyle. What most of us don't know is that the conventional cleaning products we are using contain toxic agents that can have harmful effects to our health and our environment.

The health effects from using toxic cleaners is underestimated by many.  The truth is that most cleaning agents contain Alkylphenol ethoxylates and alkylphenols.  Research proves these synthesized chemicals have a damaging affect on our endocrine system as does exposure to these bio-active molecules causing hormone disruption.

The environmental effects from using these harmful chemicals are beginning to attract the attention of consumers everywhere. Detergents draining into in our streams and fresh water reserves are consumed by fish and other water dwellers. As many things in life that come back full circle, they then end up on our dinner table and we feed it to our children. Most large businesses and corporations do not realize the amount of chemicals they release into nature with the drainage of cleaners from ordinary maintenance. These toxins are found our in water systems without regulation.

It is seldom but refreshing to see a company try to make a difference in the water contamination issue of cleaning agents. A south MS truck company called American Truck Group has recently made the news with a closed wash system that filters and reuses the same water. The technology incorporated into their Pro Wash Systems prevents the contamination of high chemical content into the local waterways.

If you are a consumer concerned with the negative effects of cleaners on our ecosystem, please share your ideas. Instead of using the conventional cleaners we have all grown up with, perhaps we can opt using safe cleaners with less environmental damage.

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